Why This Pullback Is Different And What You Can Expect To Happen As A Result

Stocks had one of the worst days in over a year and one of the worst weeks in recent memory. If you were trading at... Read more

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If you’re an investor who needs to get faster growth or more income from your portfolio, our Weekly Income Plan teaches you an income strategy you can use to get 20% or higher income per year. Training includes video, training guide and cheat sheets so you can quickly put into action what you learn.

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Weekly Income Plan

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Options Income Weekly uses the principles from our Weekly Income Plan to sell weekly put options for income. Members receive 2 to 3 trade recommendations each week, live trading and training webinars, plus, email and text message trade alerts when it’s time to close trades.

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Options Income Weekly

Experience Level: Beginner and Higher
Portfolio Size: $50,000 or Higher
Trading Frequency: 2-3 Trades per Week
Average Time in Trade: 5 days
Annual Return Goal: 20% Return on Capital
Start Your 60-Day Trial Here
Perpetual Income is an options trading plan which combines Puts, Calls and Dividends into a portfolio-based income approach. Trading just 5-10 stocks using this strategy has outperformed the S&P 500 since inception.

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Perpetual Income Portfolio

Experience Level: Beginner and Higher
Portfolio size: $50,000 or Higher
Trading Frequency: 3-5 Trades per Week
Annual Return Goal: 28% Return on Capital
Get Perpetual Income Here
For traders with larger portfolios dedicated to generating income, Income Masters is high velocity trading, with an average of 7 trade recommendations per week, closing trades within 3-5 trades to increase capital turnover and income returns. For aggressive traders who primarily want single-sided options trades. 

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Income Masters

Experience Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Portfolio size: $250,000 or Higher
Trading Frequency: 7-12 Trades per Week
Annual Return Goal: 40% to 60% Return on Capital
Become an Income Master Here
Aggressive growth of trading accounts using advanced spread options tactics. Real money master portfolio provides a unique model for capital allocation and position management. Trades typically last a few days to a few weeks.

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Options Trader Pro

Experience Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Trading Account: $50,000 to $100,000
Trading Frequency: 3-5 Trades per Week
Annual Return Goal: 60% to 80% Portfolio Returns
Become an Options Trader Pro

Latest Articles

Income Madness Generates $3,621 in 25 Days

Income Madness Generates $3,621 in 25 Days

The results are in! We closed our final trade from the June round of Income Madness on Friday. We booked 19 profitable trades in a row, generating more than $3,600 in cash in just three and a half weeks.

Find out which options income strategies we used and how we navigated market conditions to achieve these results.

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Perpetual Income

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Options Income Weekly

Perpetual Income

Income Masters

Options Trader Pro

Weekly Income Plan

Income Madness

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